Pancake Breakfast


Lions Club to host

  • Pancake Breakfast
    Pancake Breakfast

Due to COVID 19 the past few years, Lions Club has not been able to host their annual Pancake Breakfast, however, members have agreed to resume hosting the breakfast this year at First United Methodist Church located at 727 Elm Street.

The breakfast will be available from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and the members will be present at 6 a.m. to prepare the meals.

The meal will consist of pancakes, sausage, coffee, juice, and water for the community to enjoy and fellowship prior to the Centennial Parade and Celebration.

Tickets are available to purchase from any Lions Club member for $5.

Lion Club members include: Sherry DeBord, Mandy Snyder, Nikki Leach, Shane Leach, Jon Alexander, Melissa Gilbreath, Paul Smith, Robert Filtz, Kirk Ward, Gordon Johnson, Andrea Blubaugh, Rick Arterberry, Jim Thompson, Jill Hansen, and Chandler Bocox.

If anyone has any questions, you are encouraged to call Lions Club President Sherry DeBord at 580-3361300.