

Celebrate Recovery

  • Action

We had 15 in attendance on March 23. Our women’s leader Christy read the lesson : Action.

Principle 3 and Step 3 continued.

“So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship. ~Romans 12:1 NCV Principle 3 asks us to “Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control.” This is making a choice that requires action.

The acrostic for action is: A = Accept C = Commit T = Turn it over I = It’s only the beginning O = One day at a time N = Next step The first part of action explains itself. So I want to look at N, The Next Step.

The next step is asking Jesus Christ into you live and into your heart. Pastor Rick Warren came up with a “Spiritual B.A.S.E.” to help you start your new life in Christ.

B = Believe Jesus died on the cross for me and showed He was God by coming back to life. A = Accept God’s free forgiveness for my sins. S = Switch to God’s plan for my life. E = Express my desire for Christ to be the director of my life.

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. “ ~ Romans 10:9-10 On March 30 we will be serving dinner at 5:45 p.m. and testimony is at 6:30 p.m.

I invite everyone to here my testimony. If you are wondering how Jesus can change your life and make you into a new creation, please, come hear me testify!

We all look forward to seeing you at 9th and Jackson Street.

Wishing everyone a Blessed and Grateful Easter, from all of us at Celebrate Recovery!

“God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task with in you is finally finished.” ~ Philippians 1:6